With recent advancements in technology, most workers no longer spend much time performing manual labor, and far more workers spend most of the day seated at a desk. Initially, it might seem like these workers would suffer fewer injuries as a result of this switch to more sedentary jobs. However, we find that many office workers and those who have desk jobs experience tons of different painful conditions.

Luckily, chiropractic care can help office workers overcome injuries, reduce pain, and return to a more enjoyable, active life. In this article, we’ll review the top 5 benefits afforded to office workers who regularly see their chiropractors.

Benefit #1: Improved Posture

Posture is incredibly important for our health. In fact, seated posture can affect nearly every system in the body. Our digestive processes, our muscles, and our joints can all experience negative effects if we maintain a poor seated posture for many hours a day. 

Generally, office workers should aim to maintain the 90-90-90 posture while on the job. This means keeping the hips, knees, and ankles all at a 90-degree angle when seated at a desk. This position serves to decrease stress on the low back and hips. Furthermore, it can help to keep core muscles engaged throughout the day, potentially leading to better resting tone in the whole body. 

Regular visits to the chiropractor can also help to correct any postural issues that may be causing you to slouch or to have pain while sitting.

Benefit #2: Decreased Pain

Above all else, chiropractic care is most known for its miraculous ability to reduce pain instantly. Many office workers will walk out of their first chiropractic visit with little to no pain whatsoever. 

Of course, many different factors can affect exactly how much pain relief you should expect to experience after your chiropractic visit. For instance, the nature of your pain, how long it has been affecting you, and various other considerations will affect how you’re likely to feel after chiropractic care.

Benefit #3: Increased Range of Motion

Beyond pain relief, another huge benefit of chiropractic care is the increased range of motion seen in joints throughout the body after a chiropractic treatment session. 

Increased range of motion is incredibly helpful for those who have stiffness and pain throughout their joints, as it allows for more fluid movement during daily activities. 

Benefit #4: Better Energy Levels

One interesting report from many chiropractic patients is an increase in energy levels after treatment sessions. 

Low energy is a big problem for many workers, as these individuals will often complain of fatigue and lethargy at all times of the day. Therefore, if simple, effective treatments performed by a chiropractor can lead to improved energy, it might be time to ditch that second cup of coffee and make your first chiropractic appointment instead.

Benefit #5: Improved Mood

Unfortunately, a large number of office workers report a decreased quality of, and satisfaction with, life. This is an incredibly troubling statistic, as happiness is something that we all strive for. 

While there is no guarantee that chiropractic care will improve your quality of life, many patients indicate that chiropractic care has been helpful in making them feel happier and more satisfied throughout their workday. This may be due to the other benefits achieved through chiropractic care, such as less pain and improved energy levels, which contribute to overall happiness. Whatever the reason may be for better moods due to chiropractic care, there are some compelling patient reports that indicate that this is a consistent phenomenon.

If you work a desk job, you need to try out chiropractic care. Your Lithia, FL chiropractor at At Last Chiropractic can help guide you on the path to living a happier, healthier life. Book your appointment today!