For many new moms, the postpartum period can be extremely stressful.

There are many reasons for this:

  1. Adjusting to a life revolving around the new baby.
  2. The changes in relationships between the mother and her spouse/other family members.
  3. Postpartum posture changes that have taken place.

While some of these issues will likely just take time to resolve (and maybe the assistance of a skilled counselor), the postural issues can be addressed with lifestyle changes and the help of your local chiropractor!

In this article, we will review the 5 top tips from chiropractors on how new mothers can improve their posture, decrease their pain, and navigate their new lives with a baby on board.

Chiropractic Postpartum Posture Tip #1: Don’t Avoid Exercise

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to help the body recover after giving birth. Even short bouts of low-intensity exercise, such as a brief walk around the block, can go a long way in improving posture postpartum.

If you’ve never been an exerciser, now is the time to start. Exercise provides a host of benefits for new mothers. Even if you feel exhausted and frustrated while trying to adjust to your new life, don’t avoid exercise outright!

Chiropractic Postpartum Posture Tip #2: Watch How You Sit

Any time you are in a seated position, you want to pay special attention to your posture. While there is some disagreement on the most ideal seated posture, most experts agree that the 90-90-90 position is a big help. 

The 90-90-90 position refers to keeping the knees, hips, and elbows at a 90-degree angle. This position decreases stress on the joints and can help to improve overall posture. It’s great for new moms but, truthfully, this position is helpful for anyone who spends a lot of time in a seated position.

Chiropractic Postpartum Posture Tip #3: Be Careful When Lifting

During pregnancy, there are tons of different hormones flowing throughout the body. Additionally, there are many changes taking place within the joints and organs of the mother. As a result, many women can experience joint laxity during and after pregnancy. 

Because of this, picking up objects that you may have lifted with ease before your pregnancy may now pose a risk for injury. Be sure to always take your time, lift with your legs, and protect your back during any lifting activities.

Chiropractic Postpartum Posture Tip #4: Do What Works for You

As you’re navigating your life with the new baby, you need to figure out routines and methods that work for you. What worked for your neighbor may not necessarily be the best option for you. This tip applies to breastfeeding, picking up your child from the crib, and virtually every other aspect of new motherhood. 

With all of these tasks, you need to be aware of your posture and you should be certain that you are protecting yourself as much as you can. Don’t let anyone convince you to adopt a posture or a method of doing things that doesn’t work for you. Everyone is different, and that’s ok!

Chiropractic Postpartum Posture Tip #5: Attend Regular Chiropractic Sessions

While it may feel like you barely have enough hours available in a day, you should be sure to take time for yourself. By scheduling chiropractic sessions at a convenient time for you, you’ll prioritize your health, enabling you to be there for your child and the rest of your family.

If you’re suffering from postural pain after your pregnancy, consider visiting us at At Last Chiropractic, your go-to Lithia, FL chiropractor. We are well-versed in the treatment of postpartum issues and we would be happy to help you. Book your appointment now!