With the rising popularity of smartphones and digital devices, forward head posture (FHP) is becoming more and more common. Also called text neck, FHP is characterized by the head jutting forward past the spine’s alignment, resembling a forward-leaning position. 

Recent research even shows that over 70% of University students might have this particular postural issue. The problem? This condition can lead to a myriad of health problems, including neck pain, decreased mobility, and spinal degeneration. 

Luckily, it is possible to correct FHP. So, how do you know if you have it? And what can you do about it? In this article, we examine six common signs of forward head posture and how chiropractic care can help.

How Can I Tell If I Have a Forward Head Posture?

Here are the most common signs suggesting you might have a forward head posture or “text neck.”

1. Altered Neck Alignment

When looking at a side profile, an aligned posture should show the earlobe lining up with the shoulder. FHP is evident if the head extends forward beyond this alignment.

2. Neck and Shoulder Pain

FHP often leads to chronic neck and shoulder pain due to the strain placed on the muscles and ligaments in these areas.

3. Reduced Neck Mobility

People with FHP might experience decreased mobility in their necks, finding it difficult to turn their heads fully or tilt them backward.

4. Headaches

Tension headaches are common in individuals with FHP, as the abnormal posture can lead to muscle strain and tension around the neck and scalp.

5. Upper Back Pain

The forward position of the head can cause an increased curve in the upper back, leading to pain and discomfort in this area. On top of this, the eventual hunching of the shoulders forward may even lead to breathing issues or reduced lung capacity in the long term.

6. Fatigue

Due to the extra strain on the neck and back muscles, individuals with FHP may feel more fatigued, especially after prolonged periods of sitting or standing. This is often due to the aforementioned lack of oxygen due to less space for the lungs. It can also be due to the strain and stress this posture places on your muscles.

Can Forward Head Posture Be Corrected?

Here’s the good news: Forward head posture can be corrected, and chiropractic care can play a significant role in this process. Chiropractic treatment focuses on realigning the spine and improving posture through various modalities and techniques.

At your initial appointment, your chiropractor performs a thorough assessment, determining the best treatment to address your complaints. From there, your treatment may involve:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Chiropractic adjustments involve realigning the spine and neck to their proper positions. These adjustments can reduce strain on the muscles and ligaments, alleviate pain, and restore normal posture.
  • Posture Training and Exercises: Your chiropractor will guide you through specific exercises and stretches that strengthen the neck and upper back muscles, supporting proper posture.
  • Ergonomic Advice: Offering advice on workplace ergonomics, your chiropractor can help you adjust their workstations to promote better posture, reducing the risk of developing or exacerbating FHP.
  • Soft Tissue Therapy: Techniques, like massage and myofascial release can relieve tension in the muscles affected by FHP, aiding in correcting the posture.
  • Education and Prevention Strategies: Chiropractors educate you on maintaining proper posture and preventing FHP, including tips for daily living and activities. For example, they may suggest setting a reminder every hour to adjust your posture or even stand up and move around a bit so you aren’t sitting in the same position all day long.

Experience the Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Visits Today!

Regular visits to a chiropractor can help monitor and maintain healthy posture, preventing the recurrence of FHP. Overall, forward head posture is a correctable condition, and chiropractic care offers a comprehensive approach to treating it. By combining spinal adjustments, muscle therapy, ergonomic advice, and preventative strategies, chiropractors can effectively address FHP, enhancing overall health and well-being. 

If you’re experiencing signs of forward head posture, rest assured that our caring and compassionate team can help. With At Last Chiropractic, your local Lithia chiropractor can help you get back to your normal. Book your appointment today!