Dealing with back pain after lifting is an all too common occurrence. You bend over, and suddenly, pain strikes. The pain can be debilitating, and while it might ebb off, there’s still a high chance it could happen again—especially if you aren’t using proper lifting techniques.

So, let’s get you lifting properly, as well as discover treatments that can help alleviate your back pain from lifting. Is chiropractic care a good choice? How can you learn to lift properly without injury or pain?

How Should You Lift Correctly?

Proper lifting techniques are your first line of defense against back pain. So, here’s everything you should know:

  • Plan Your Lift: Before lifting anything, assess the object. Determine its weight and decide if you can handle it alone or need assistance. (It’s always okay to ask for help!)
  • Stand Close to the Object: Keep the object close to your body. This reduces the strain on your back. Try to avoid the need for reaching as well since this may also lead to injury.
  • Keep a Stable Stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart to give yourself a stable base.
  • Bend Your Knees: Always bend at the knees and squat down to the level of the object, keeping your back straight. Your back should be neutral without rounding or bending.
  • Tighten Your Core: Engage your core muscles as you lift; this supports your spine.
  • Lift Slowly and Smoothly: Avoid any jerky movements. Lift using your legs, not your back. A great tip here is to push through your heels as you lift!
  • Keep Your Back Straight: Don’t twist while lifting. Turn your whole body, leading with your hips.

Using the cues above can help prevent back pain and injury, ensuring discomfort doesn’t suddenly strike as you go about your day-to-day. Yet, what about when you accidentally move the wrong way? What can you do about it?

Back Pain Treatment and Prevention

About 25% of adults will experience back pain at some point in their life. However, there are many ways to treat and relieve your pain. So, let’s take a closer look below.

1. Proper Rest and Recovery

Ensure you’re giving your body enough time to rest and recover, especially after lifting heavy objects. However, it’s important not to stay in bed. In most cases of back pain, movement is key, even if it’s a little bit. Oftentimes, permanent resting will make your pain worse. 

Walk around, and try performing gentle stretches. In the meantime, avoid activities that cause harm or increase your pain.

2. Use of Ergonomic Tools

Incorporate ergonomic tools or lifting aids in your daily activities to reduce the strain on your back. Or, again, ask for help!

3. Regular Exercise and Core Strengthening

Engaging in regular exercise, particularly core strengthening workouts, can bolster your back muscles and protect against injury. The core supports your spine and can take some of the pressure off of your lower back.

4. Lifestyle Adjustments

Simple lifestyle changes, like maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding prolonged sitting, can significantly impact back health. If back pain is recurring for you, this might be something you may want to focus your efforts on.

5. Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a cornerstone in treating and preventing back pain from lifting. Regular adjustments can help:

  • Align the Spine: Ensuring your spine is properly aligned can prevent undue stress on your back.
  • Relieve Pressure & Pain: Adjustments can relieve pressure on nerves and reduce pain.
  • Improve Mobility: Regular chiropractic care can enhance flexibility, making it easier to lift correctly.

Book Your Chiropractic Appointment Today!

For personalized care and expert advice, At Last Chiropractic is here to help. Our experienced team is committed to providing comprehensive care to alleviate your pain and enhance your overall well-being.

Don’t let back pain hold you back. Contact your Lithia Chiropractor today to pave your way toward feeling better and learn how to prevent pain in the future.