Top 3 Signs of Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis syndrome causes aching, shooting pains that can travel from the buttocks all the way to the toes. This condition affects thousands of people every [...]
5 Reasons Sacroiliac Dysfunction Happens
The sacroiliac, or SI joint, is located on the lowest portion of the spine. In fact, the SI joint is the major bony attachment between [...]
How Chiropractic Care Can Help Swimmers
If you’ve been swimming for a long time, it’s likely that you’ve suffered from some aches and pains throughout your body. Swimming injuries are very [...]
3 Ways Chiropractic Care Alleviates Allergies
If you’ve never suffered from an allergy, consider yourself lucky. Every year, many people suffer from devastating seasonal allergies which can make it hard for [...]
5 Chiropractic Posture Tips for New Moms
For many new moms, the postpartum period can be extremely stressful. There are many reasons for this: Adjusting to a life revolving around the [...]
How to Avoid Workplace Injuries
If you’ve been injured at work, you know how much of a traumatic event the whole process can be. Workplace injuries are very common [...]
3 Tips for Sciatica from Your Local Lithia, FL Chiropractor
Nerve pain in the lower extremities is one of the most debilitating musculoskeletal conditions one can develop. Sciatica is a somewhat general term that refers [...]
3 Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Shingles
Although shingles aren’t typically considered to be a life-threatening ailment, they can lead to extreme discomfort in patients. For this reason, patients who suffer [...]
5 Common Golf Injuries & How Chiropractic Care Can Help
Golf is one of the best sports in existence. For one thing, golf allows people of all ages and ability levels to enjoy the great [...]
Stressing Out? How Chiropractic Care Can Help
In general, stress is a normal physiological and psychological phenomenon. We may feel some stress when we’re studying for a big exam or when we [...]
What is Myofascial Pain? Can Chiropractic Care Help?
Have you been experiencing deep pain in your muscles that you can’t identify? If so, you may be suffering from myofascial pain. Myofascial pain [...]
3 Unexpected Ways You Can Herniate a Disc
Between each of our spinal segments lie small pads known as discs. When these discs slip out of place, they can place pressure on [...]