Can Your Lithia Chiropractor Help Ease Arthritis Symptoms?
Arthritis is an incredibly common condition that affects many people around the world every year. However, arthritis is a vague term that refers to a [...]
Hip Pain After Pregnancy: How Your Lithia Chiropractor Can Help!
Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life. However, even though the process can be extremely rewarding and fulfilling, many women experience various ailments [...]
Can Weather Changes Actually Make Chronic Pain Worse?
Chronic pain diseases are incredibly debilitating. The constant pain from arthritis and other causes of chronic pain are hard to describe, but they affect every [...]
Should I See a Lithia Chiropractor After Back Surgery?
Every year, thousands of people undergo back surgery. Some of these surgeries are to correct emergency issues, while others are to address chronic, limiting pain. [...]
Whiplash: How Chiropractic Care Can Help
Whiplash is a condition that is caused by trauma. More specifically, whiplash is often caused by either a car crash or when someone violently shakes [...]
How Chiropractic Care Can Alleviate Overuse Injuries
The human body is meant for movement; that much is clear. We are well-equipped for many different athletic activities, especially those that involve running, throwing, [...]
3 Summer Travel Tips From Your Lithia Chiropractor
As the summer months are rapidly approaching, many people are looking for ways to stay healthy and fit as the weather heats up. Also, tons [...]
5 Ways Chiropractic Care Can Help Fibromyalgia
Imagine experiencing intractable pain at all times throughout the day, with little relief and no explanation as to why you’re feeling said pain. This is [...]
How Chiropractic Care Relieves Joint Stiffness
Joint stiffness is a major problem for people today. In fact, more and more people are suffering from arthritis and related conditions as a result [...]
Can A Chiropractor Help Reduce Elbow Pain?
Elbow pain is a common problem for many athletes and everyday individuals alike. The issues that cause elbow pain are often very debilitating, and many [...]
How Your Lithia Chiropractor Can Help with Chronic Back Pain
Back pain affects almost everyone, from time to time. In fact, a huge chunk (roughly 80% of the population, by some estimates) of people experience [...]
Trouble Sleeping? Can Chiropractic Care Help?
Sleep is essential for our health. In fact, in order to be healthy, most people should strive to sleep for at least 6 hours a [...]