Neck pain affects thousands of people every year. People can experience neck pain due to various causes, some of which are benign and some of which can lead to serious, long-term consequences. In this article, we’ll discuss the topic of neck pain and show how chiropractic care can help you recover from this condition.

A Brief Overview of the Neck

The neck, also known as the cervical spine, is made up of 7 vertebrae. In between and on the sides of these vertebrae, we find tons of different muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other structures that all lead to the stability and mobility inherent in this region. 

The cervical spine connects the thoracic spine to the skull and brain. Because of its unique position, the cervical spine is the most mobile of all spinal segments. This high level of mobility is both a blessing and a curse.

For one thing, the mobility afforded to us allows us to turn our heads and orient our senses to the world around us with ease.

On the other hand, having a very mobile neck puts us at risk for serious injuries.

What Conditions Can Cause Neck Pain?

As is the case with any area of the body, there are almost an unlimited number of conditions that can affect the neck. 

Some of the most common ailments that cause neck pain are:

  • Cervical radiculopathies. A radiculopathy is a condition that originates in the spine but causes symptoms that occur in one or more of the limbs. Often, cervical radiculopathies are due to herniated discs, which press into nerves exiting the spine at this level. However, one can also suffer from radiculopathy due to excessively tight muscles and other issues.
  • Whiplash. Whiplash is a trauma-related ailment. Typically, whiplash develops shortly after a patient has been involved in a car crash. Due to the high-speed movement of a vehicle which comes to an almost immediate stop during a car accident. This puts tremendous stress on the neck, and it usually leads to symptoms such as numbness, pain, and headaches.
  • Cervical spine stenosis. Stenosis is a condition that can affect any area of the spine (and other structures in the body). Essentially, cervical spine stenosis refers to a narrowing of the openings in the spine where the nerves enter and exit the spine. As a result, this progressive condition causes severe pain and discomfort both at rest and with movement. 

As was mentioned earlier, there are tons of different conditions that affect the neck. However, the above three are some of the most common neck-related conditions in medical facilities today.

How Is Neck Pain Treated?

The treatment for neck pain is dependent on a detailed diagnosis. That being said, there are a number of treatments that can be effective for various types of neck pain.

For instance, cervical traction can help to loosen up the structures associated with all of the conditions described in the previous section. 

Exercises intended to strengthen and increase the flexibility of affected structures can also lead to decreased neck pain and improved function in the cervical region.

Of course, chiropractic treatments can also go a long way toward improving neck pain symptoms.

Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain

Chiropractors have many treatment tools in their tool belts. However, the treatment they are most known for is the spinal adjustment. By gently pushing on spinal segments that have been subluxed, or pushed out of place, chiropractors can help to decrease many of a patient’s neck pain symptoms.

Got neck pain? We’ve got you covered! Our professionals at At Last Chiropractic, in Lithia, FL. can help you find relief regarding your neck injuries. Book your appointment now!