Each year, there are around 6 million pregnancies in the United States. Pregnancy is an incredible journey filled with joy, excitement, and a bit of nervousness. As mothers will tell you, pregnancy can also come with some common, yet unpleasant symptoms, such as back pain, digestive issues, fatigue, joint pain, hormonal changes, and morning sickness. Since certain drugs and invasive procedures can harm the mother and baby, it can be challenging to find all natural and safe pain relief that works. However, chiropractic care can safely reduce a pregnant woman’s pain and discomforts. Despite the lack of more awareness, prenatal chiropractic care is a great option during pregnancy due to it being safe, gentle, and effective. This type of care also doesn’t need drugs or invasive treatments to work. Indeed, chiropractic care for pregnant women can help provide relief from back pain, reduce labor and delivery times, and lower the chance of complications during pregnancy and labor. Continue reading to learn more about the variety of benefits of prenatal chiropractic care.

1. Reduce Your Back and Joint Pain

While a baby grows, this puts additional stress on a mother’s lumbar spine, which is the part of the spine above the pelvis. This can lead to back pain, spine misalignments, and muscle spasms. To reduce back pain, chiropractors undergo specialized training to safely treat pregnant women. Prenatal adjustments can reduce common back pain caused by changes to the body. Indeed, some studies indicate that 75 percent of pregnant patients who receive chiropractic care found pain relief. Depending on the mother’s health, a chiropractor may also recommend strengthening exercises to prevent spine misalignments.

2. Faster Labor and Delivery

A fast and pain-free labor and delivery is more appealing than a long, painful one with complications. Regular chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy can help ensure the mother’s spine, pelvis, and hips are properly aligned, as well as their nerves are working properly for optimal brain to body functions. Since the nervous system controls a mother’s contractions and cervix dilation during labor, it’s important for the nerves to be working correctly. Indeed, if the nerves can do their job properly, this can promote a faster and easier labor and delivery with reduced pain and complications.

If mothers want to have a natural birth, they can also benefit from this type of holistic care. Chiropractors do not use harsh medicine to address and treat pain and discomfort. Therefore, an easier and faster labor and delivery is achievable with the aid of chiropractic care.

3. Reduce Nausea

Morning sickness is one of the least exciting parts of pregnancy, which many moms experience. Nausea is not only uncomfortable, it can also make it challenging to do daily tasks, such as eating, working, and going places.

Fortunately, prenatal chiropractic adjustments help reduce nausea and vomiting. These adjustments are safe, gentle, and effective and can realign the spine. When the spine is properly aligned, this can improve the nervous system and help rebalance a mother’s hormones. By restoring the mother’s hormones to a healthier level, this can reduce those nausea symptoms.

Additionally, heartburn and constipation can also lead to nausea during pregnancy. Chiropractic care can also improve digestive issues, so mothers can find relief from less nausea.

4. Reduce Labor and Delivery Complications

Creating a new life is both exciting and a bit scary. A healthy, low-risk pregnancy without complications is always ideal, but not always possible. When a baby is not in the position to be delivered head first during labor, this is called a breech position. Indeed, breech positions can lead to complications, such as difficult vaginal deliveries, cord prolapse, or C-section deliveries. To help minimize these possibilities, chiropractic care can help mothers have a healthy pelvic balance. A healthy pelvic balance is essential as it allows the baby to have adequate space to easily move head-first into the proper delivery position. During the third trimester, it’s recommended that mothers consider receiving regular adjustments. By doing this, mothers can help prevent breech positions during delivery.

5. Promote a Healthy Pregnancy

As mothers, having a healthy pregnancy is important for the mom and the baby’s health. Since chiropractic care is a holistic treatment that aims to provide lasting health and well-being, it makes sense that receiving regular chiropractic adjustments can promote a healthy pregnancy. Indeed, prenatal chiropractic care helps identify and reduce any nerve obstructions in the spine that interfere with a mother’s organs and immune system from functioning properly. A mother with a strong and healthy immune system can help their baby start off with an optimal immune system at birth.

We hope you found this week’s article helpful discussing some of the benefits of chiropractic care for pregnant women. Creating a new life takes a lot of work, which takes a toll on a mother’s mental and physical health. Contact At Last Chiropractic in Lithia, FL today to learn how Dr. Carissa and Dr. Anthony can help you achieve a healthy and safe pregnancy.