Asthma is a scary condition that affects many children and adults around the world. Similarly, allergies, which can range in severity from life-threatening to mildly irritating, plague people of all ages, all across the globe.

Traditionally, these conditions are treated through the use of medications that may be administered orally, through an inhaler, or via injection. But these methods often only work after an allergen has already entered the system of an allergy sufferer. Isn’t there a better way to reduce symptoms of asthma and allergies without medication?

The answer lies in chiropractic care!


How Chiropractors Help with Asthma

To start, it’s important to briefly discuss asthma in terms of what the condition actually does to the body.

Asthma is a disease in which the patient’s airway becomes restricted due to inflammation in the respiratory system. With less room for the air to move when we breathe, we often see asthma sufferers wheezing or being very short of breath during an attack.

Medications such as steroids (often administered through an inhaler) can serve to reverse this airway restriction during an asthma attack.

Chiropractors are interested in treating the underlying conditions that cause asthma, not just the symptoms. Therefore, your chiropractor will need to conduct a thorough evaluation to determine whether there is a spinal misalignment that can be corrected, a dietary change that can reduce the airway irritation or some other treatment that will work for you.

Once she has done so, you can begin to experience relief from your asthma symptoms.


How Chiropractors Help with Allergies

Allergies are similar and related to asthma in many ways. Some people, for unknown reasons, can experience a hyper-reaction to certain allergens. These allergens may be present in certain types of food, such as tree nuts, or in substances that flow through the air, such as pollen.

In many people, allergic reactions may simply consist of a slightly itchy throat or a few sneezes. Others may experience life-threatening complications.

Again, chiropractors are concerned with addressing any underlying issues before the patient has to be rushed to the hospital due to contact with the allergen.

An imbalance in the nervous system can often lead to the hypersensitivities present in allergy sufferers. For example, a subluxation in a certain vertebrae may simply need to be corrected through spinal manipulation techniques, and the response to allergen contact could significantly decrease in the patient.

However, there is rarely a single “cure-all” treatment for any condition. Your chiropractor will need to determine whether other lifestyle changes or treatments will be necessary in order to address the allergic issues at hand.


Allergic Asthma and Chiropractic Care

As was stated earlier, allergies and asthma are closely linked. An allergic reaction may lead to an asthma attack in many cases. Conversely, a diagnosis of asthma may put a patient at higher risk for sensitivity to certain allergens.

Through detailed assessment, your chiropractor will be able to determine what is causing your allergies, your asthma symptoms, or both. From there, she will develop a treatment plan which will address not only the symptoms of these conditions but also what is causing them on a deeper, physiologic level.

Asthma and allergies are two closely linked, dangerous conditions. They force patients to be extra cautious and can lead to serious consequences if they are not properly managed.


Have you had enough of your allergy or asthma symptoms? Are you sick and tired of seeing your child sniffling and avoiding going outside? If so, book an appointment with the At Last Chiropractic team. We are the top chiropractor in Lithia, FL, and would be thrilled to help you and your family get back on track.