A Chiropractic Perspective: Are Standing Desks a Good Idea?
Over the past few years, standing desks have become extremely popular amongst office workers. This is especially true for those who work from home and [...]
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS): How Chiropractic Care Can Help
In a normal situation, the pain slowly resolves as the injury that caused it begins to heal. For example, if you cut your finger while [...]
Can Chiropractic Care Help Improve Autoimmune Conditions?
Diseases and conditions such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and many others are heart-breaking. These devastating conditions cause lifelong problems for both patients and their [...]
How Chiropractic Care Helps Post-Surgery
After undergoing surgery, patients often experience weakness, pain, and mobility issues. In most cases, these symptoms clear up within a few weeks without intervention. However, [...]
Can Chiropractic Care Help Manage Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a life-altering condition. The diagnosis is often made when patients experience chronic, vague pain that can’t be attributed to another disease. Worse yet, [...]
Myofascial Pain: What Is It & Can Chiropractic Care Help?
When it comes to pain, there are tons of different diagnoses that can affect a patient. There are chronic pain conditions, acutely painful conditions, and [...]
3 Signs of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
Have you ever experienced deep, stabbing pain in your low back? If so, you may have experienced SI joint dysfunction. In fact, this condition is [...]
How Chiropractic Care Can Help You and Your Newborn
The entire period of pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for a newborn can be extremely stressful. After all, new mothers have a lot of things that [...]
What is Occipital Neuralgia?
Pain of any kind can be absolutely devastating to productivity and quality of life. Occipital neuralgia, however, is a unique condition that causes unbearable pain [...]
Can Chiropractic Care Help Diabetics?
Chiropractic care is often thought of as a treatment for back pain, neck pain, and maybe a few other related conditions. However, chiropractors can help [...]
Chiropractic Care Vs. Physical Therapy: What’s the Difference?
There are a plethora of differences and similarities between chiropractic care and physical therapy. In this article, we will outline the differences between these two [...]
How Chiropractic Care Alleviates Shoulder Pain
Have you been suffering from shoulder pain that just won’t go away, no matter what you do? If so, you may be suffering from a [...]