Fibromyalgia is a life-altering condition. The diagnosis is often made when patients experience chronic, vague pain that can’t be attributed to another disease. Worse yet, there is no official, agreed-upon test for Fibromyalgia. Rather, the diagnosis is made when all other likely conditions are ruled out. Because fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of exclusion, some doctors think patients are faking their symptoms.

As if the pain weren’t bad enough, patients with Fibromyalgia have to deal with clinicians who don’t believe there is anything wrong. This often leads these individuals to feel depressed and withdraw from society.

Luckily, chiropractors understand that fibromyalgia is a very real condition. Furthermore, they have effective ways to help these patients find relief from their pain.


Pain Science Basics

To start, let’s examine the general concept of pain.

Everyone inherently knows what pain is. We experience pain when we touch a hot stove. Additionally, we feel pain when we get a paper cut, stub our toes, or have a headache.

But what is really happening inside our bodies when we feel these types of pain?

In short, we have different receptors throughout our bodies that send signals to our brains about our pain. We have receptors that sense hot and cold, sharp and dull, and many other sensations. When these receptors are working as they should, we experience appropriate levels of pain based on the injury. 

On the other hand, when these receptors don’t work as they should, we can experience inappropriate levels of pain. Furthermore, we may even experience pain when there is no injury present at all. 



With chronic pain conditions, such as Fibromyalgia, patients’ pain sensors aren’t working like they’re supposed to. These patients will often feel intense, deep pain when there is no cause whatsoever.

Because of this, patients will often withdraw from activities and may even avoid getting together with loved ones. The embarrassment and the inability to convey how they are feeling can lead to depression and loneliness. Unfortunately, these symptoms tend to compound the pain and make it even worse. 

Conventional Treatments for Fibromyalgia

Many times, doctors don’t know how to help patients with Fibromyalgia and chronic pain. For this reason, some of these patients will be prescribed addictive and dangerous pain medications. 

These medications may mask the pain for a short time, but they have serious side effects. Plus, the patients eventually develop a tolerance, meaning that, sooner or later, their pain will come back.

Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia

Those that don’t want to start taking medication for their symptoms have few other options available. Luckily, one of the best options for the symptoms of Fibromyalgia is chiropractic care. 

Chiropractic manipulations can help to realign the spine and improve the nerve connections between painful areas and the spine. In doing so, patients can often have a better ability to process pain, which leads to less pain overall.

Better still, chiropractic care is safe, with almost no potential risks. Chiropractors are highly skilled professionals that are experts on pain and the spine. They can help anyone achieve improved spinal alignment and better pain processing.

Lastly, chiropractic care is affordable for nearly every budget. Many chiropractic treatments are covered by insurance. Also, the treatments that are not covered are very reasonable. This is especially important to know for those who are dealing with crippling pain that has turned their lives upside down.

If you’re suffering from chronic pain and/or Fibromyalgia, book a visit with our team at At Last Chiropractic. We are the preferred chiropractors in Lithia FL. and we would be thrilled to help you today. Book your appointment now!