After a certain age, arthritis plays a role in nearly every instance of pain that a person suffers from. But while arthritis is extremely prevalent and may be an inevitable consequence of aging, it’s important to point out that arthritis sufferers have options to treat their symptoms.

In this article, we will briefly review the concept of arthritis, the symptoms that stem from arthritis, and the ways in which chiropractic care can help arthritis sufferers.


What is Arthritis?

By definition, arthritis is simply “irritation of the joints.” But this definition includes a vast number of diseases and disorders that fall under the arthritis umbrella. For example, most people are familiar with (and may even suffer from) osteoarthritis, a specific type of arthritis. 

Osteoarthritis or OA can occur in anyone. CDC estimates indicate that over 32 million people currently have OA. OA is primarily due to “wear and tear” on the body. Therefore, those that are active or use their joints inefficiently will often have worse cases of OA than those who rarely exercise and are relatively sedentary.

Gouty arthritis, or simply Gout, is another common form of arthritis. This condition is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the joints. Gout is a very prevalent arthritic disease, but the numbers pale in comparison to those of OA.


What Are the Symptoms of Arthritis?

Depending on the specific type of arthritis, symptoms may vary. However, with most forms of arthritis, joint pain is the primary symptom. Other symptoms may include decreased range of motion, weakness, and crepitus (“noisy,” creaking joints). These are considered physical symptoms, and only makeup one-third of the biopsychosocial model, which is now considered the best picture we have of how patients experience the phenomenon of pain.

Functionally, these symptoms can prevent patients from fully participating in activities, exercising, or even moving at all in some cases. For example, many arthritis sufferers may stop taking daily walks due to crippling knee pain that keeps them bound to their chairs.

Besides physical symptoms, arthritis can cause symptoms related to mental health as well. Depression and anxiety are common issues with which arthritis sufferers commonly have to contend. It’s a vicious circle when one has both depression and arthritis: as patients’ arthritis becomes more painful, their depression can become more debilitating. Similarly, as their depression gets worse, they tend to notice the symptoms of their arthritis more often and with more intensity.

So far, we’ve discussed two elements of pain symptoms that arthritis sufferers experience: physical and mental/psychological. The last component deals with social factors. For instance, people who suffer from arthritis may decide to withdraw from activities or groups as a result of their pain. They feel as if they are a burden to their friends and family, and thus, they decide to spend their time alone.

All of these broad symptoms of arthritis can contribute to a very unhealthy and unfulfilling life. Therefore, arthritis sufferers are constantly seeking the best ways to manage their pain.


How Can a Chiropractor Help Someone with Arthritis?

There are many effective treatment methods for people who suffer from arthritis. Depending on the specific kind of arthritis, chiropractors may choose to use one of the following options in order to address the condition:

  • Exercise prescription;
  • Joint manipulation;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Massage;
  • Traction.

As is always the case, the specific disorder in question, as well as the patient’s individual needs will drive the selected treatment. Every patient is unique, and their treatment plans should reflect this uniqueness!


Book Your Appointment With At Last Chiropractic

If you’re suffering from arthritis and are searching for a chiropractor in Lithia, FL, look no further than At Last Chiropractic. Our team is here to help you address your arthritis-related needs and return to a life free of painful symptoms. Book your appointment today!